
PLATE 49. V. I. p. 423. Note.

All the Figures in this Plate except Fig. 3, are taken from the Petrefacten of Dr. Goldfuss, Pl. LIII. and Pl. LIV. They are so fully explained in our Vol. l. p. 421 and Notes, as to supersede the necessity of any further detailed description.

Fig. l. Restoration of the body and vertebral column of Encrinites moniliformis.

Fig. 2. Base of attachment.

Fig.3 . Portion of the summit of a vertebral column. (Original.)

Fig. 4. Longitudinal section of Fig. 3. magnified. (See V. I. p. 424. Note.)

Figs. 5, 7, 9. Joints from different parts of the vertebral column, showing the manner in which the articulating surfaces are crenulated to admit of flexure.

Figs . 6,8, 10. Vertical sections through the axis of Figs. 5, 7, 9. shewing the forms of the internal cavity for the alimentary canal.

11—26. Profile and view of the articulating surfaces of joints, from various parts of the vertebral column. (See V. I. p. 425. Note.)