
PLATE 61. V. I. p. 497. Note.

Fig. l. Silicified trunk of Cycadites microphyllus, from the Isle of Portland, with numerous buds rising from the axillæ of the Petioles. (Original.) [099]

Figs. 2, 3. Vertical sections of agatised Petioles, composing the false bark on the trunk of Cycadites microphyllus, and of embryo Buds. In the bud, Fig. 2. d. the division between the two woody circles is not distinct. In Fig. 3. 'd. it is very obvious; but the intermediate circle of cellular tissue is represented only by a fine line. See V. I. p. 498, Note. and p. 500, Note. (Original.)

In the sections of Pl. 61, Figs. 2, 3, and Pl. 62, the following letters are used to indicate the same parts. a, cotton, or down; b, integument of petioles or scales; c, bundles of vessels d, woody circles; e, imperfect woody circles; f, cellular tissue; g, embryo bud; k, gum vessels.*


* These very beautiful and instructive sections were presented to me by Mr. Witham, being portions of a trunk which I had placed at his disposition.